Results for 'Candelaria Sequeiros Pumar'

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  1.  14
    La significación de las Plazas en la Evolución Histórica de la Trama urbana de la Ciudad de Córdoba.Miguel Loma Rubio, Francisco Valverde Fernández & Candelaria Sequeiros Pumar - 2000 - Arbor 166 (654):297-309.
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    Social Policy and Collective Action: Unemployed Workers, Community Associations, and Protest in Argentina.Candelaria Garay - 2007 - Politics and Society 35 (2):301-328.
    Unemployed and informal workers seem an unlikely source of large-scale collective action in Latin America. Since 1997, however, Argentina has witnessed an upsurge of protest and the emergence of unusually influential federations of unemployed and informal workers. To explain this puzzle, this article offers a policy-centered argument. It suggests that a workfare program favored common interests and identities on the part of unemployed workers and grassroots associations, allowing them to overcome barriers to collective action. State responses to demands for workfare (...)
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    La responsabilidad intelectual en la articulación entre obra y autor.Candelaria Barbeira - 2024 - Valenciana 33:320-325.
    Reseña de Sapiro, Gisèle ¿Se puede separar la obra del autor? Censura, cancelación y derecho al error. Clave Intelectual, 2022.
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    The Revolt of Unreason: Miguel de Unamuno and Antonio Caso on the Crisis of Modernity.Michael Candelaria (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Brill Rodopi.
    This book examines solutions to the crisis of modernity proposed by the Spanish philosopher Miguel de Unamuno and the Mexican philosopher Antonio Caso. Acceptance of the objective claims of modern scientific rationality and the consequent rejection of the objective validity of artistic, moral, and religious claims generates the crisis of modernity. The problem is that of justifying artistic, moral, and religious claims. Miguel de Unamuno in his classic work,The Tragic Sense of Life, addresses the conflict between the belief in personal (...)
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    The Multilevel Politics of Enforcement: Environmental Institutions in Argentina.Candelaria Garay & Belén Fernández Milmanda - 2020 - Politics and Society 48 (1):3-26.
    Environmental protection presents a challenge for commodity-producing democracies. To account for the enforcement of environmental laws in decentralized systems, this article proposes a multilevel approach that highlights the importance of national laws and subnational implementation rules to the politics of enforcement. This approach contrasts with prominent scholarship that focuses on sanctions and the electoral incentives and bureaucratic resources of enforcers. The advantages of the multilevel approach are demonstrated by the enforcement of the native forest protection regime in the Argentine Chaco (...)
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    Reply to the editor.Enrique S. Pumar - 1997 - Sociological Theory 15 (1):3.
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    Linguistic Meaning and Non-Truth-Conditionality.Xosé Rosales Sequeiros - 2012 - Peter Lang.
    This book offers a new perspective on current semantic theory by analysing key aspects of linguistic meaning and non-truth-conditional semantics. It applies non-truth-conditional semantics to various areas of language and critically considers earlier approaches to the study of semantic meaning, such as truth-conditional semantics, Speech Act theory and Gricean conventional implicatures. The author argues that those earlier approaches to linguistic semantics do not stand up to close scrutiny and are subject to a number of counterexamples, indicating that they are insufficient (...)
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  8. Lo natural, lo artificial y la cultura: la aportación de Helmut Plessner (1892-1985).Leandro Sequeiros - 2011 - In Carlos Alonso Bedate & Javier Bustamante Donas, Lo natural, lo artificial y la cultura. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas. pp. 33--42.
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    Ortodoxia, la llave de la verdad en el mundo moderno.Sequeiros - 2010 - The Chesterton Review En Español 4 (1):59-72.
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  10. (1 other version)Science, philosophy and religion between 2011 and 2012. Some significant events.Leandro Sequeiros - 2011 - Pensamiento 67 (254):1127-1132.
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    Un agnóstico valora positivamente la religión: George Santayana.Leandro Sequeiros - 2019 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 75 (285):1001-1005.
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  12. The ambiguous epistemology of Enrique Dussel.Michael Candelaria - 1993 - In Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Die Diskursethik und ihre lateinamerikanische Kritik: Dokumentation des Seminars interkultureller Dialog im Nord-Süd-Konflikt : die hermeneutische Herausforderung. Aachen: Verlag der Augustinus Buchhandlung.
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  13. The microgeography of infestation in relationship spaces.Matthew Candelaria - 2009 - In Sarah E. McFarland & Ryan Hediger, Animals and agency: an interdisciplinary exploration. Boston: Brill.
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    The plight of indigenous peoples within the context of conflict mediation, peace talks and human rights in Mindanao, the Philippines.Sedfrey M. Candelaria - 2018 - Thesis Eleven 145 (1):28-37.
    Republic Act 8371 or the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997 (IPRA) was passed by the Philippine Congress in order to address the concerns of the indigenous communities which had received marginal attention through the past decades. Indigenous communities have also been displaced from their lands due to armed conflicts between government soldiers and secessionist groups, particularly the Moro rebels and the communist-led New Peoples’ Army. The Philippines has been privy to peace initiatives with these two groups for some time (...)
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    Chesterton y la polémica sobre la creación.I. V. E. Sequeiros & R. P. Víctor Agustín - 2007 - The Chesterton Review En Español 1 (1):38-50.
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  16. The Teilhard de Chardin unpublished letters to Edouard Le Roy: approach for understanding the conflict between Science, Philosophy and Theology.Leandro Sequeiros, Manuel Medina Casado, Maria Jose Medina de la Fuente & Francois Euve - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (246):1077-1098.
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    Chesterton, la Educación y la Libertad.Sequeiros - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):57-70.
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    El pensamiento educativo de María Zambrano: una aproximación a sus fundamentos y a su aplicación.Echarry Sequeiros & Yabet Valentín - 2020 - Madrid, España: Editorial Sindéresis.
  19.  37
    Persistent evidential discordance.Samuli Reijula & Sofia Blanco Sequeiros - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
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  20. Three Darwinist paradigm praecursors: Jose de Acosta (1540-1600), Athanasius Kircher (1601-1680) and Felix de Azara (1742-1821). [REVIEW]Leandro Sequeiros - 2009 - Pensamiento 65 (246):1059-1076.
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  21.  28
    Is Emotional Magnitude Spatialized? A Further Investigation.Kevin J. Holmes, Candelaria Alcat & Stella F. Lourenco - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (4):e12727.
    Accumulating evidence suggests that different magnitudes (e.g., number, size, and duration) are spatialized in the mind according to a common left–right metric, consistent with a generalized system for representing magnitude. A previous study conducted by two of us (Holmes & Lourenco, ) provided evidence that this metric extends to the processing of emotional magnitude, or the intensity of emotion expressed in faces. Recently, however, Pitt and Casasanto () showed that the earlier effects may have been driven by a left–right mapping (...)
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  22.  33
    Tomismo essencial e antropologia integral.Ssvm de la Sagesse Sequeiros & Irmã María - 2010 - The Chesterton Review Em Português 2 (1):99-106.
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    The sensory basis of mind: Feasibility and functionality of a phonetic sensory store.Sylvia Candelaria de Ram - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (2):235-236.
  24. Albert Einstein (1879-1955): Physics, philosophy and mystic.Jose Antonio Rojo & Leandro Sequeiros - 2007 - Pensamiento 63 (238):659-692.
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  25. Inculturación, interculturalidad, diálogo interreligioso e interdisciplinariedad: el caso de Matteo Ricci (1552-1610). [REVIEW]Leandro Sequeiros - 2011 - In Carlos Alonso Bedate & Javier Bustamante Donas, Lo natural, lo artificial y la cultura. Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas. pp. 43--54.
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  26. Tomismo essencial e antropologia integral.Irmã María de la Sagesse Sequeiros S. S. V. M. - 2010 - The Chesterton Review Em Português 2 (1):99-106.
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  27. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955): El hombre que hablaba con las piedras.Leandro Sequeiros San Román - 2005 - Critica 55 (923):76-80.
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    Initial Motivations for Choosing Teaching as a Career.Myriam Alvariñas-Villaverde, José Domínguez-Alonso, Lucía Pumares-Lavandeira & Iago Portela-Pino - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The objective of the study is to verify the reliability and validity of the Factors Influencing Teaching Choice, as well as to determine the teaching of Early childhood and Primary education students’ motivations and perceptions for the choice of this degree. The sample consisted of 262 student teachers aged between 18 and 27. According to degree, 54.2% of the participants were enrolled in Early Childhood Education and 45.8% in Primary Education. The instrument used in the study was the Factors Influencing (...)
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  29.  25
    Detection of forest fires outbreaks by dynamic fuzzy logic controller.Josué Toledo-Castro, Nayra Rodríguez-Pérez, Pino Caballero-Gil, Iván Santos-González, Candelaria Hernández-Goya & Ricardo Aguasca-Colomo - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
    The use of wireless sensor networks and the Internet of things to detect forest fire outbreaks may help to reduce the response time and avoid natural disasters. This work proposes the deployment of WSN to enhance the real-time monitoring of dynamic variables such as polluting gases, temperature or the presence of fire flames by infrared. In addition, the activation of forest fire alerts if environmental status may involve evidence of a recent fire outbreak. A fuzzy-based controller is implemented to manage (...)
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    Forest Fire Prevention, Detection, and Fighting Based on Fuzzy Logic and Wireless Sensor Networks.Josué Toledo-Castro, Pino Caballero-Gil, Nayra Rodríguez-Pérez, Iván Santos-González, Candelaria Hernández-Goya & Ricardo Aguasca-Colomo - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
    Huge losses and serious threats to ecosystems are common consequences of forest fires. This work describes a forest fire controller based on fuzzy logic and decision-making methods aiming at enhancing forest fire prevention, detection, and fighting systems. In the proposal, the environmental monitoring of several dynamic risk factors is performed with wireless sensor networks and analysed with the proposed fuzzy-based controller. With respect to this, meteorological variables, polluting gases and the oxygen level are measured in real time to estimate the (...)
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  31.  14
    Leandro Sequeiros, El diseño chapucero. Darwin, la biología y Dios. Editorial KHAF, Madrid, 2009, 206 pag. [REVIEW]José Joaquín Castellón Martín - 2023 - Isidorianum 19 (37):187-189.
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    Yabet Valentín Echarry Sequeiros. El pensamiento educativo de María Zambrano. Una aproximación a sus fundamentos y su aplicación. Madrid: Sindéresis, 2020. [REVIEW]Julia Butinyà - 2022 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 28 (2):176-179.
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    (1 other version)Reseña de Conquistando el fin del mundo. La Misión La Candelaria y la salud de la población Selkman, Tierra del fuego 1895-1931 de Romina Casali. Prohistoria, Rosario, 2014, 260 páginas. [REVIEW]Karina Inés Ramacciotti - 2016 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 6 (1).
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    Effect of the management of seed flows and mode of propagation on the genetic diversity in an Andean farming system: the case of oca.Maxime Bonnave, Thomas Bleeckx, Franz Terrazas & Pierre Bertin - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (3):673-688.
    The seed system is a major component of traditional management of crop genetic diversity in developing countries. Seed flows are an important part of this system. They have been poorly studied for minor Andean crops, especially those that are propagated vegetatively. We examine the seed exchanges of Oxalis tuberosa Mol., a vegetatively propagated crop capable of sexual reproduction. We studied the seed exchanges of four rural communities in Candelaria district at the international and local levels, emphasizing the spread of (...)
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  35. Reflexões sobre a contação de histórias:uma proposta para integrar oralidade, leitura e escrita.Ana Brandt, Felipe Gustsack & Juliana Feldmann - 2009 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 14 (2):169-185.
    Here is a discussion that deals with storytelling by the teacher for the children, considering their contributions to the development of languages in the early years of lementary school. We assumed as the fact that a recovery of the first contact of children with the texts, which are normally through the oral narratives, potentiates the development of oral, reading and writing in an integrated manner. Therefore, we work with oral language and its importance is often overlooked by most schools. Understand, (...)
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  36. Mangueira, suas ratas são uma beleza!João Araújo Maia & Eduardo Bianchi - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):19-29.
    Falaremos de uma cidadania criativa que se configura lentamente na sociedade contemporânea. Consumo, beleza, vaidade, moda e corpo são elementos que irão fazer o campo da cultura refletir sobre conceitos que estavam, por muito tempo, sedimentados no campo da Comunicação. As jovens mulheres que se autointitulam “ratas” e seu estilo de vida nos guiaram para problematizar questões relativas às sociabilidades comunitárias e à cidadania cultural. Este trabalho faz uma imersão de campo na comunidade na favela da Candelária, na Mangueira, Rio (...)
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    La colectivización como estrategia de resistencia ante la censura en el teatro moderno en Colombia.Mauricio Trujillo Sánchez - 2022 - Escritos 30 (64):121-135.
    The article seeks to investigate the role that censorship had in the history of modern Colombian theater during the decades from 1950 to 1980, on the basis of a journey through the trajectory of groups such as Candelaria, TEC and Escuela Municipal de Teatro, as well as its directors Santiago García, Enrique Buenaventura and Gilberto Martínez. The censorship usually came from government institutions, Church ministers, or educational institutions such as universities and colleges. In addition to the analysis of direct (...)
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